Thought Provoking Questions to End a Lesson

Slice Daily for the Entire Month of March

March Slice of Life Challenge

I may be sick and tired, but my hamster doesn’t stop running on its wheel, oh no. On a paper grading break, blogging in bed and wondering of what would be great thought provoking questions that would work well in ELA.

These thoughts were sparked because yesterday when I had a lesson follow up with the Instructional Design Team, I told my TechEds county person that I’d like to make my own randomizer of questions. Guess what she did? She made me a video with directions where even I can cut and paste and put things in HTML and make my own random questions to use with a QR lesson closing. I am excited to use this as a way to bring some excitement and higher-level thinking to closings. Of course, now that she figured it out and made a user-friendly video, I feel compelled to take that step.

I thought of even making my own QR die, Tony Vincent style:

vincent die

Here is what I used yesterday for my closing yesterday and last week:

QR reflection


While I like the above reflection questions,  I want to make at least some faces of the die more reading, writing, communication based; I want to make it my own and select my own questions. Still, though, I’m looking for great minds to help me. When I finish my die, I will share what I create in the comments section of this blog, so give me some good ideas and share your thoughts.

I might make one that is totally generic for any content, but that works well with summarizing and digging deeper into a lesson…like I said, the hamster is still running…just a little more slowly.

Thanks in advance.






8 thoughts on “Thought Provoking Questions to End a Lesson

  1. I love this idea! What a good friend you have in that coworker who hooked you up with the video. I am sure you will come up with some great ideas! The world is your oyster with this amazing tool!


  2. What a great idea! I’ve never used QR codes in my classroom because I wasn’t sure how effective they would be since we only have one ipad in the class, but I want to give them a try. What a great way for making the questions more interactive!


  3. I’ll share my favorite questions:
    What surprised you?
    Did anything make you feel uncomfortable?
    What is this like?
    What were you thinking?


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