Pissing on My Vision

Part I.

Pardon the title, but it’s apropos. Last night I went to bed with my vision for the next day.  In my mind I walked through my morning and my day visualizing how my day would begin,  what I would get accomplished, and how I would be a positive force.

This morning the dog, usually a patient pooch with amazing bladder control, pissed on my vision covering a huge portion of the hardwood floor in the bedroom, crawling into the recesses under the hamper and dresser, and invading the master bath.  45 minutes of cleaning and sanitizing and after a second shower, I have pissed (pardon me) a good portion of my morning time away. Needless to say, my vision is yet to come to fruition., but for now I’m off to work for a morning meeting.

I will see if I can turn this day around and not let the events of the morning ruin this day.   More later…to be continued…

10 thoughts on “Pissing on My Vision

  1. A perfect reminder to me, why I DON”T need a dog. I am in love with my niece’s puppy but I don’t see the dark side, how that sweet babe is eating everything in sight, and not out of her dog dish! You survived and hopefully the rest of your day is better 🙂


  2. Oh I can relate. My cat is less work than a dog and rarely messes up the morning, but there are so many other “things” that disrupt The Plan and The Vision! It’s amazing how so many things go the way we expect!


  3. Hope part 2 is terrific, Maya. This reminds me of those times when our children woke us saying, “I think I’m going to throw up”, & then did, all over ??????????. You were wonderful actually to get it all done before work!


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