100th Blog Celebration

Wow, thanks so much to Two Writing Teachers. You have helped me develop the stamina and wherewithal to follow through on something big, writing regularly. Today I celebrate 100 blog posts–100 slices. Thanks to all of you who have supported me as a writer. I LOVE this community of people I’ve never met but sometimes know better than people I’ve known for a long time.  Thank you. Thank you . Thank you.


100 Things that Make Me Happy (in no particular order)

  1. Sharring our slices
  2. Wriiting together with a community I have never met yet know
  3. The support of comments
  4. Dark chocolate
  5. My snuggly girl
  6. My son’s smile
  7. Time on the sofa with the kids
  8. The coffee my husband brings me in the AM
  9. The liveliness and eagerness to learn of my sixth graders
  10. Random fun moments in class
  11. The look of students deep in thought
  12. A good book
  13. People who are passionate about teaching 
  14. Words with Friends
  15. Lego therapy
  16. Tom’s shoes
  17. A Mountain view
  18. Sand in between my toes
  19. Cozy socks
  20. Fleecy jammy pants
  21. Coffee
  22. Mom
  23. Family
  24. Iceland
  25. Icelandic family
  26. The sound of the relatives speaking Icelandic
  27. The openness of the land in Iceland
  28. The taste of the air in Iceland
  29. Saturday mornings
  30. Time away with my husband
  31. Remembering new love
  32. Remembering when I was Daddy’s girl
  33. Cycling
  34. Camping 
  35. Hiking
  36. Jelly beans
  37. The way my husband looks at me
  38. The way my dog crosses her paws
  39. The warm sun on a cold day
  40. Sunrises and sunsets
  41. A clear blue sky
  42. Puffy clouds
  43. The sounds of nature
  44. Children playing
  45. Quiet time
  46. Music
  47. Sitting at Starbucks
  48. Eating outside
  49. My Doug’s waggy tale
  50. Jeans
  51. The intricacies of nature
  52. The simplicity of nature
  53. Verbal play
  54. Witty and light-hearted sarcasm
  55. Nice notes
  56. Cyber teacher friends 
  57. People who encourage me
  58. People who challenge me
  59. People who hold me accountable
  60. The cult of the writing project
  61. A sermon with a message that makes me want to be my best self
  62. Sleeping in
  63. Jammy pants all day
  64. Holding a hot drink when my hands are cold
  65. Hot tea
  66. Girl’s weekend
  67. Time with girlfriends
  68. Shopping with no kids in tow
  69. The sound of laughter
  70. Intense and passionate pedagogical conversations
  71. Teaching
  72. When a kid “gets” a concept
  73. Watching kids grow
  74. A great lesson
  75. Matching a kid to a book
  76. The smell of books
  77. Scrabble
  78. Playing games with my hubby
  79. The late night comedy news of Colbert and Stewart
  80. Kids who open doors and pick up trash without being 
  81. The way my students miss me when they have a sub
  82. Classes that click and form a community
  83. Collaboration when it works
  84. Walks on the beach
  85. The list my husband makes for my birthday, adding one item each year with the reasons he loves me matching my age
  86. Epiphanies
  87. Crunchy leaves in the fall
  88. Snow days
  89. The smile my daughter gives me in the morning
  90. The sweet and sleepy “good morning” my son give me
  91. A hot bath
  92. A hot tub with a mountain view on a cold night with a cold drink and a mountain view (hello Overlook Inn—soon!)
  93. The way my husband helps my mom fixing things 
  94. My mom’s passion for painting
  95. My siblings
  96. My Nordic Roots
  97. Friday nights and movies nights (take out on the sofa with a family movie)
  98. Poetry
  99. Blogging
  100. Being under warm blankets when the air is cold

7 thoughts on “100th Blog Celebration

  1. Maya, I celebrated my 100th post this month too! Great way to celebrate. I love this snapshot of you. I’m right with you on 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 19, 63, 98, 99, plus many more! I think I’ll share this with my students to see if they’d like to do a “20 things that make me happy list” slice for their 20th day of slicing.


  2. Congratulations!!! I always marveled at those of you who had 100 posts – seemed completely impossible to me – but then I realized it would only be 4 SOLC seasons – or less if you posted year round. You all have inspired me to keep going…


  3. Congratulations! We really have a great writing community to support us! I admire your tenacity for writing your list.


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