Stopping to Slice on Another Evening


Slice 4 of 31

Stamina–I don’t know if I have the stamina for these 31 days in a row. 4 of 31…I wanted to be ahead and write the night before for each slice, but that didn’t last long. I hate when I slice in the evening because I feel so late, so frantic, so frazzled. I am not feeling like a daily writer yet. I’m not looking at the world like a write this month. I forget to look for the material that exists in my world.  Okay, let me see how I can butcher Frost’s poem again

Stopping to Slice on Another Evening

Whose blog this is I think I know.
My thoughts are cluttered  even so
I cannot fathom what to write here
To watch my lines of clutter lacking flow.

My audience of slicers must think it queer
To read this post of angst and fear
Between my ears a frozen lake
Thoughts are jumbled, can’t get in gear. 

I give my mind a little shake
To conjure thoughts I can’t forsake
The only sound’s the keyboard’s sweep
Of pattering fingers on the make.

The words are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And days to go before I sleep,
And days to go before I sleep.

8 thoughts on “Stopping to Slice on Another Evening

  1. Maya,
    Trust me, we all understand and appreciate your twist on Frost. He would love it too
    The words are lovely, dark, and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And days to go before I sleep,
    And days to go before I sleep.


  2. This is so clever, so cool! You are, of course, articulating a feeling shared by many. This week is my crucible; how will it all happen? But it always does, somehow. And writing frazzled is better than not at all. It can even be an interesting space, really.

    I always enjoy my visits to your writing. Thanks–


  3. “Thoughts are jumbled, can’t get in gear.” This is how I feel many times! Let’s hope we will all make 31 days!


  4. I don’t think anyone thinks you have jumbled thoughts. I love the frozen lake between your ears. Hang in there Maya, you did it before, you can do it. One day at a time.


  5. I don’t think you butchered it at all. It’s very clever, Maya. You shared your frustration at the dailiness of having to think up something very well. Just think what we ask our students to do every day, 5 days in a row! I imagine they would love this too!


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